Vassilli - Medical Devices
Vassilli company was founded in Padua in 1967, consisting of a staff dedicated to the development of new productsToday the “VASSILLI” is an international reality existing in many Countries of Europe, Africa, Asia and America; it is composed by a uniform team of persons which consider their work a reason of life, sure that the application of innovative technological ergonometric solutions will help the users of their own aids to live better and especially more freely.
It was also setted up a quality system with procedures of check, test and after-sale service of all our products following ISO 9001 and CEE Directive 93/42, so obtaining already 9 years ago, the product certification from the TÜV, the german certifier institution.
Since we have many new ideas to achieve we are sure that we will be spurred to go ahead with your cooperation.

from 1880...
Few manufacturers in our field may say that, like us, have launched an innovative wheelchair for disabled people in 1880. But to make us more proud is being able to say now, 140 years after, that the enterprising spirit and stubborn is not exhausted. Rather, it is strengthened.
Undisputed leader in Italy in the production of aids for the disabled, we have today a commercial presence in 5 continents. A position that we have achieved - from the birth of the modern company Berto Vassilli in 1967 - always choosing the less known and harder road.
Precursors by vocation, we explored new materials - aluminum, carbon, titanium - With ahead of its time, inventing construction solutions, become common application after many years. This vocation has become a key factor of our success: develop different and special products destined to become, in time, regular products.
...since today.
Continuous experimentation is linked to the high level of customization of our products, which we submit to relentless evolution to meet the particular needs of users.
Because this is our mission, to build more and more better aids, giving to every user a standard of living adequate to his needs, among which: freedom of movement, independence, social and labor integration, constant physical support but also psychological, primarily in environmental situations in which the disabled person is physically or culturally penalized.
We want that our products represent for our customers, a unique opportunity to improve their lives.
The Technology
We learned That there is only one way to build perfect machines: master the technology and the most advanced materials, putting them at the service of the real human needs. In our products, also the clean and elegant lines are the expression of the maximum efficiency.
The Customization
There is no movement need, and therefore related pathology, to which we are not able to offer an answer. Each of our products, already designed for specific uses, can be customized not only with the countless adjustments, but also through more of 50 available options. The experience, technical expertise and the readiness to dialogue enable us to offer, to each individual user, the best solution.

Passion for our job
In our evolution it is achieved not only the growth of a company, but also that one of an idea in which we are all, at all levels, involved. The culture of the aid and of the daily support to the disability is the key of the professional and human growth of each of us, a commitment that is transformed immediately into well done work and, in the end, the success of a company mission.
We don’t know if our company model is exportable, but certainly we do not care to do it. Italy gives us a background of skills and high mechanical tradition of widespread creativity, love for style and for doing things well, in and through which we born and grown. We will never give it up.
Made in Italy will always be our strength.